Annual General Meeting 2024

Sunday 8th of December

Held at Lake Boga foreshore

Nomination process Opens on

Monday 25-11-24 for all positions.

 Nominations will be accepted up to the AGM vote.

Office bearers must be current financial members of the club.

To submit a Nomination you either do so at the AGM or  the AGM email

with a completed nomination form Word version PDF version

 you must also be a current financial member, your nomination will then be put forward to find a seconder.


Office Bearers positions to be filled:

President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Events Secretary, Assistant Events Secretary, Licensing Officer, Head Scrutineer, Publicity Officer, Newsletter Editor, Club Car manager, Track Manager, Grants Manager, Club permit officer, Social Planning,  Welfare officer and Jack Chisholm Reserve Reps.

Information or roles and responsibilities are listed below.

If you are interested in any role please express your interest to

List of Know positions at present that would like to step down

Vice President, Publicity Officer, A New role ERT Officer

List of Current positions and descriptions of each role.



Committee person


Requires good communication, management and presentation skills.

Responsibilities: Chairing meetings, public face, overall direction of the club.

To preside at, and chair, meetings of the club. Maintain proper control and act in the best interests of the club.

Maintain an impartial attitude in all discussions and publicly represent the club at official levels. Ensure that Office Bearers perform their duties. Advise Committee Members on club policy. Provide guidance and assistance for Committee Members. Represent the club at official non-club functions. Review performance of the club in achieving its goals. Develop and set policy direction for the future. Identify and advance new opportunities for the club. Keep abreast of club activities. Liaise with general membership.

In summary, the President should lead without controlling. Involve club members in decisions that affect them.

Stimulate balanced discussions and ensure resolution to same. Conduct meetings in a professional manner and time meetings to conclude on time. Encourage focused discussion and keep meetings on track. Negotiate successfully between members. Seek and obtain feedback from the membership and ensure that the club attains the goals and represents the views of members.

Chris Gibson

Vice President

Requires good communication, management and presentation skills.

Responsibilities: Assisting the President and other Committee Members.

To deputise for the President at club and committee meetings where the President is unable to attend, or as directed by the President. Ensure that the club functions are not compromised. Carry out Presidential duties as delegated by the President. Assist the President and other committee members with their duties as require

Karli Vallence




Requires good management skills and documenting abilities.

Responsibilities: Documentation and maintaining of Official Records.

Ensure that the club is always operating within the guidelines and framework of it's charter and statutory requirements. Ensure the club maintains all records as required by statutes. Issue formal notices as required. Prepare meeting agendas and circulate to all relevant parties. Document Committee Meetings and prepare formal minutes from same within a timely manner. Receive club correspondence, document and keep these safe. Primary contact for all statutory bodies.

Manage and maintain membership register. Prepare membership packs and ensure they are sent to new members in a timely manner upon receipt of application and payment of fees. Send correspondence to members as required.

Duties include; disbursing, supervising completion and sending all documents required for licences and club events to our governing body.

Liaise with our governing body and keep abreast of changes and updates.

Ensure the club and members are kept up to date will all changes regarding licencing and insurance changes

Responsibilities: Planning, scheduling and co-ordinating all club events.

Schedule, plan, coordinate and supervise all club social events and technical evenings in conjunction with Technical Officer. Endeavour to ensure that events held are commensurate with the wishes and desires of the membership.

Ensure members are notified when renewal is required. Assist with budget planning and work to budgets provided

Lynne Paynter


Requires good accounting and management skills.

Responsibilities: Management of Club Funds and Membership Register.

To receive all monies, pay all debts, manage club financial (bank) accounts, develop budgets, monitor investments, prepare reports and generally look after all financial dealings of the club. Prepare income and expenditure statements for reports on a regular basis and arrange for Auditing of accounts as required. Work with the committee to present budgets that take into account the objectives of the committee/club. Manage the club's overall budge

Ted Paynter



Head Scrutineer


 Monitor and keep up with technical details, supervise scrutineer of entries

Tayna Cooper

Publicity Officer

Requires good communication and management skills.

Responsibilities: Management of all internal and external communications.

Develop and build relationships (regular contact) with media outlets that would benefit the club. Promote the club through these outlets. Supervise the club magazine and Internet Site ensuring that they maintain high standards.

Ensure that the clubs internet communication facilities can be accessed by all members and other relevant parties.

Ensure that the clubs Internet presence is kept up to date. Assist with budget planning and work to budgets provided

Kim Dee

Club Car manager



Track Manager

Inspect and report to Committee on track maintance. Organize and coordinate working bees

all commitee members

Grants Manager

To source and make application for grants which will benefit the club.


Ted Paynter

Chris Gibson

Club permit officers

To keep a record of club Registered Vehicles/Special Interest Vehicles.

To inspect members vehicles and verify compliance with the VicRoads regulations and requirements

and complete the clubs verifying certificate.

To have custody of any relevant documents/manuals to enable carrying of the duties of registration


Chris Gibson

Neil Donnan

Ted Paynter

Jack Chisholm Reserve Reps

Represent SHSCC at meetings between SH Rural City Council and other clubs.

Report back to committee members out outcomes.

Ted Paynter

Chris Gibson

Welfare officer To check and report on the welfare of members Ted Paynter
Catering Managers Run the cartering side of events and manage stock. Ruth Valence
Oliva Wellard
ERT Officer To check weather before an event and recommend items to have in place. E.g. fire cart, fire extinguishers. To check dates and status of the same. Coordinate any response to Club Chief Kelvin Jobbling